Note: features gadgets reviewed on The Daily GizWiz podcast. The show no longer exists in its original form, but the site will remain a searchable archive of more than 1300 episodes and gadgets. Have fun!
You can find all the gadgets, including the new ones on Dick DeBartolo's website.
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Results 61 - 67 of 67 for "Wacky Gadgets"
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Daily Giz Wiz 115: SunSquirt
On this trip to Dick's Gadget Warehouse... It's wet, it's weird, it's nowhere to be found anymor...
Tags: Electronic Moisturizer, Wacky Gadgets
Episode 115 - 2006-07-28 - 10 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 105: iSmell
This was one of the products you just knew would never see the light on day at a retail outlet. The ...
Tags: Special Effects, Wacky Gadgets
Episode 105 - 2006-07-14 - 14 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 101: Cruzin' Cooler
Take a ride on the Cruzin Cooler. In covering more than a dozen trade show a year I come across a lo...
Tags: Food and Beverage, Transport, Wacky Gadgets
Episode 101 - 2006-07-10 - 15 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 91: USB Sushi - sponsored by Retail Careers at T-Mobile
Another fine product from USB Sushi, Spaghetti USB Cables, and an actual Thumb drive. ...
Tags: Data Storage, Wacky Gadgets
Episode 91 - 2006-06-26 - 8 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 81: Rescue Light Line and the Liperator - brought to you by Retail Careers at T-Mobile
From the History Channel Modern Marvels Invent Now Challenge two winners: the Resc-hue Lite Line and...
Tags: Emergency, Hearing Aid, Wacky Gadgets
Episode 81 - 2006-06-12 - 11 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 30: Sony Betamax
Tags: Audio Visual, Video Recorder, Video Player, Wacky Gadgets
Episode 30 - 2006-03-31 - 8 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 10: Head Blinkers
Tags: Lights, Wacky Gadgets
Episode 10 - 2006-03-03 - 7 minutes
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