Daily Giz Wiz 555: TI Time Runner

Episode 555 of the podcast

TI Time Runner
Subject: Review of TI Time Runner
Released:Friday 25 April 2008
Length:about 14 minutes
Download file:dgw0555.mp3 (6.5 MB)

Listen to the episode

Short info

From the Gadget Warehouse: TI Time Runner.

Detailed information

From 1993, Texas Instruments made the TImeRunner.  The photo above (courtesy of Joerg Woerna) is model PS-9500.  It had 64KB built-in memory, was a world clock, alarm, calendar and calculator.  It stored 3 main types of information:  Reminders, Addresses and Notes.  It was made with a lip with rings to fit inside a Day Runner.  An electronic organiser inside a loose-leaf organiser.  Seemed like a good idea at the time.

44 Years of Fold-Ins

Al Jaffee has been doing the Mad Fold-Ins since June 1964, following Playboy's Fold-Outs.  He still does it, and does it on a hard, flat board, and has never needed to actually fold the artwork to see the result.

For the recent New York Times interview and article on Al Jaffee, click here.

The NY Times has also reproduced some of the fold-ins over the last 44 years.  You can try your hand at the fold-ins yourself to get the answers to the questions posed.  Don't miss out on the interactive fold-ins.

A Match Game Question for TTTT

"Lazy Leo is so lazy he looks under his desk for a gadget, it was too far away, so he's going to talk about the _______ again," writes Robert Hayes of Colorado.

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Tags: Calculator

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