Daily Giz Wiz 97: Flag Waver

Episode 97 of the podcast

Subject: Review of Flag Waver
Released:Tuesday 4 July 2006
Length:about 12 minutes
Download file:dgw0097.mp3 (5.4 MB)

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Short info

Just in time for the 4th of July, the Flag Waver, fresh from the Classic Gadget Warehouse.

Detailed information

Today, Tuesday 4 July 2006, Dick decides to talk about a gadget from his warehouse even though it's not a Friday, because the gadget suits the 4th of July theme.  It was an American flag with a fan at its base to cause the flag to wave, called the Flag Waver.

The Flag Waver is no longer available, but The Wave (picture at left) is, at thewaveflag.com.  It's a self-waving flag and has a choice of 3 patriotic songs to play: The Star Spangled Banner, My Country 'Tis Of Thee, and Stars And Stripes Forever.  Developed by SRM Entertainment with a co-inventor of the Atari 2600 and a co-inventor of Furby.

4th of July Fireworks

Dick has a very special way of viewing the 4th of July Fireworks in New York from his boat.  Idiosyncratic is an understatement.

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