Daily Giz Wiz 193: HurriQuake

Episode 193 of the podcast

Subject: Review of HurriQuake
Released:Wednesday 15 November 2006
Length:about 13 minutes
Download file:dgw0193.mp3 (6.1 MB)

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Short info

From Bostitch comes the first innovation in nails in 100 years: the Hurriquake.

Detailed information

Winner of the Innovation of the Year Grand Award given by Popular Science magazine.  The Hurriquake Nail's special designs make it more resistant to forces generated by disasters such as a hurricane and earthquakes.

StarTac Organiser

Geo Gray wrote in to say that he owned the StarTac Organiser (Episode 185) and found it lacking.  It came with Awful Sync Software.

Mad Minute

Great prizes for the Mad Minute New Year Contest.  To enter, etch the word "Pedagogue" at the head of a pin.

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