Daily Giz Wiz 192: Speck MacBook Covers

Episode 192 of the podcast

Speck MacBook Covers
Subject: Review of Speck MacBook Covers
Released:Tuesday 14 November 2006
Length:about 10 minutes
Download file:dgw0192.mp3 (4.7 MB)

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Short info

On turn the tables Tuesday Leo talks about his Ferarri red MacBook Pro covers from Speck Products.

Detailed information

Special covers for the MacBooks.  Come in clear, black and other colours.  Tailor-made for different models of the MacBook and MacBook Pro.

The Spork

This is a world of wonders.  Some listeners actually liked the spork (Episode 182).  Juan Lewis thought Dick was very mean to Leo.  The titanium spork is awesome! The titanium chopsticks too.  Scott H from Orlando, Florida on the other hand hopes that Dick doesn't let Leo live down the day he talks about the Spork.

Mad Minute

News from the Manufactured Hand-It-Over Bank.

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