Daily Giz Wiz 197: T-Mobile Dash

Episode 197 of the podcast

T-Mobile Dash
Subject: Review of T-Mobile Dash
Released:Tuesday 21 November 2006
Length:about 20 minutes
Download file:dgw0197.mp3 (9 MB)

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Short info

It's turn the table Tuesday, and Leo talks about his new favorite Windows Mobile 5 smart phone, the Dash from T-Mobile.

Detailed information

Made by HTC as the Excalibur, this smartphone runs Windows Mobile 5, with wi-fi, bluetooth, qwerty keyboard, 1.3 MP camera, and has a microSD slot.  It's called The Dash in the States and available on T-Mobile.

A Virtual Dick's Gadget Warehouse

David Knighton, aka Boss Melnitz, a netizen in Second Life, has built a virtual Dick's Gadget Warehouse on Second Life.


A listener Mark Hizon has written in about Podlinez.  You can dial a number to listen to a podcast.  The most popular podcast on podline at the moment is TWiT.  The number for DGW is 415-376 7224.

Leo Rising

Mark Hizon also asked if Leo played Uncle Charlie on the film Phoenix Rising.  Leo was asked by the The Screen Savers assistant director Miriam Schalit to appear on the film, after TechTV stopped.

Mad Minute

Spotlight On Someone, Chick.

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