Daily Giz Wiz 196: iTurbo

Episode 196 of the podcast

Subject: Review of iTurbo
Released:Monday 20 November 2006
Length:about 16 minutes
Download file:dgw0196.mp3 (7.6 MB)

Listen to the episode

Short info

Charge your iPod with a AA battery and the iTurbo Portable iPod Charger

Detailed information

The iTurbo is a device that simply uses a single AA battery to recharge your iPod.  You can watch Dick's video demo on MySpaceTV.

Preparations for Episode 200

Andy Marken of ADS Tech has agreed to provide gadgets to give away on Episode 200.

Wireless Power

Many listeners, including Dave, John Paradox, Andy Strauss, Steve Castelli, Shaun Stancil, Jeff, Nicholas, Anish and Ed, wrote in about the Wireless Extension Cord (Episode 183) and pointed out the news that MIT is researching into wireless power.  The WEC may one day be reality.

Mad Minute

Alfco's Eyewear Salon Eyeballs R Us.

Related gadgets & episodes

Tags: iPod Accessory Power Supply

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