Daily Giz Wiz 243: SanDisk Vmate

Episode 243 of the podcast

SanDisk Vmate
Subject: Review of SanDisk Vmate
Released:Wednesday 7 February 2007
Length:about 17 minutes
Download file:dgw0243.mp3 (8 MB)

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Short info

Record direct to flash from any video or audio source with the Sandisk Vmate Recorder.

Detailed information

Video Recorder (on to Flash Memory Cards)
The V-Mate sits between your video source and the TV via RCA connectors, and records video on to flash memory cards in MPEG-4 format.  You can then play your video on your mobile devices from your memory card.  The options menu is available on TV where you can choose your video recording or playback settings and create recording schedules.

Land of the Turtle Doves

Today Leo is the middle of his Vista/Photoshop Geek Cruise aboard the MS Oosterdam, which has ported at Road Town, Tortola, BVI.

Sansa Rhapsody

SanDisk is making inroads into the mp3 player market.  Sansa accessories were appearing at CES 2007.  Dick gets sidetracked into talking about the Sansa Rhapsody player, which is a Sansa e200 rebranded.

Abbott to Costello, McMahon to Carson

Leo describes himself as Abbott to Dick's Costello, Ed McMahon to Dick's Johnny Carson, but the most apt comparison is probably John Wilkes Booth to Dick's Abraham Lincoln, since Leo is killing Dick's career.

Bunking in New York

A listener wants to know if Leo bunked with Dick when he was in New York.  Leo slept on a layer of iPod boxes in the Gadget Warehouse.

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