Daily Giz Wiz 273: RIDATA Yego Flash USB Drive

Episode 273 of the podcast

RIDATA Yego Flash USB Drive
Subject: Review of RIDATA Yego Flash USB Drive
Released:Wednesday 21 March 2007
Length:about 12 minutes
Download file:dgw0273.mp3 (5.5 MB)

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Short info

It's a thumb drive and a USB hub, the RIDATA YEGO Flash USB Drive.

Detailed information

From RiDATA, the makers of blank CD media.  A clever idea for those short of USB ports on their computers (such as laptops).  The EZ Yegos are USB hubs with built-in flash drives - and 2 USB ports at the back.  They come in different capacities up to 4GB.

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A listener berates Dick and Leo for giving Totino advertising for free.  Leo explains that's why he's been saying the name wrong.

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