Daily Giz Wiz 383: Kingston Mobility Kit

Episode 383 of the podcast

Kingston Mobility Kit
Subject: Review of Kingston Mobility Kit
Released:Wednesday 22 August 2007
Length:about 15 minutes
Download file:dgw0383.mp3 (6.7 MB)

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Short info

The Kingston Mobility Kit combines memory with a card reader in a compact package.

Detailed information

Dick saw this at the Digital Life show.  This Mobility Kit enables a microSD card (1GB or 2GB) to be used with all forms of SD card slots in your devices.  Put the microSD card into the miniSD card adapter and use it in a miniSD card slot.  Put that into the SD card adapter and use it in an SD card slot.  Finally, the card can be put into the USB card reader that comes with the kit.

The Inflight Charger

Two listeners wrote in to ask the same question about the Inflight Charger (Episode 373).  Would it still work if one used a Y-connector on the airplane audio port, with one end connected to the Inflight Charger, and another to the earphones.  Dick emailed the question to the manufacturer, who thought that it would still work, but the power output would be lower.


Jonathan from Pittsburg gave the EyeClops Bionic Eye (Episode 361) as a birthday present to an 11-year-old which was a big hit at the party.  Leo might give one to Henry for his birthday on 28 August.

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