Daily Giz Wiz 382: Paypal Security Key

Episode 382 of the podcast

Paypal Security Key
Subject: Review of Paypal Security Key
Released:Tuesday 21 August 2007
Length:about 18 minutes
Download file:dgw0382.mp3 (8.3 MB)

Listen to the episode

Short info

It's turn the tables Tuesday, and Leo reviews the Paypal security key.

Detailed information

An additional authentication requirement that you can add to your PayPal login.  Each security key has a distinct algorithm which generates a 6-digit number which changes every 30 seconds.  To log in to PayPal, in addition to your usual login password, you need to key in a 6-digit number.  This provides further security to your account in case someone has got hold of your login details.
Steve Gibson covered multifactor authentication generally in Security Now! Episode 90.  For the PayPal Security Key specifically, listen to Security Now! Episode 103.  For further functionality supported by Verisign beyond PayPal login, watch out for Security Now! Episode 107.

Another Health Warning

Do not listen to DGW while pumping iron in the gym, as did Amis Kettleson from Jacksonville, Florida.

The Great Gildersleeve

Jan Reeceman has written in about Harold Peary and in the radio show The Great Gildersleeve (Episode 351).  There's a website dedicated to the show: www.ethomsen.com/gildy.

Free Old Time Radio Shows

Many of the Great Gildersleeve shows (and other radio shows) are available on the website Free Old Time Radio Shows.  The page for The Great Gildersleeve is at www.freeotrshows.com/otr/g/Great_Gildersleeve.html.  A small error in each of the links on that page has caused the links to be broken.
The correct URL for the episodes should follow this formula: http://www.freeotrshows.com/otr/g/gild.19yy.mm.dd_The_Show's_Name.mp3 (including the apostrophe where appropriate).
So. e.g. the episode aired on 1941-09-07 called Marjorie's Cake can be found at http://www.freeotrshows.com/otr/g/gild.1941.09.07_Marjorie's_Cake.mp3
Try "The Great Gildersleeve" Episode 1: Gildy Arrives in Summerfield.

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