Daily Giz Wiz 545: Disc On Key Flash Drive

Episode 545 of the podcast

Disc On Key Flash Drive
Subject: Review of Disc On Key Flash Drive
Released:Friday 11 April 2008
Length:about 11 minutes
Download file:dgw0545.mp3 (4.9 MB)

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Short info

From the Gadget Warehouse: Disc On Key Flash Drive.

Detailed information

M-Systems was one of the first companies to introduce a USB flash drive.  Dick got his 16MB DiskOnKey at a press event, but Dick cannot now remember when, though he suspects it might have been in the late 1990's.

CNET reviewed an 8MB DiskOnKey in June 2001, which was one of the first USB thumb drives which did not require a special driver, as long as the operating system had native USB support.  Overclocker Cafe reviewed the product (available from 8MB to 128 MB) in March 2002.

There was also a lot of controversy over who owned the patent to the technology, for which you can read the article on Wikipedia.  M-Systems was acquired by SanDisk in 2006.

No Stereo Please!

Assen, who listens to DGW at work with one ear to DGW and another to the outside world, pleads with Leo not to record DGW in stereo, as it may interfere with his surreptitious routine.

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