Daily Giz Wiz 67: CompUS Hard Drive Enclosure

Episode 67 of the podcast

Subject: Review of CompUS Hard Drive Enclosure
Released:Tuesday 23 May 2006
Length:about 13 minutes
Download file:dgw0067.mp3 (6 MB)

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Short info

OK so it's not shiny and cool and gee whiz, but it is amazingly useful: the CompUSA (or anywhere for that matter) External Hard Drive Enclosure. Around $30.

Detailed information

USB2 external hard drive enclosure, with LED indicators.

Lost Episode

This is one of the shows the first recordings of which were erased by Leo accidentally.  When Dick mentioned the hdd enclosure on the original recording, Leo gave a l-o-n-g pause before belittling Dick for this gadget.
After Leo discovered he had lost the recordings, what did he do?  Bought an external hdd enclosure to back up his recordings.  Lesson learned.
Before he learned about this gadget, Dick thought an external hdd enclosure was just a carrying case for transporting the hdd.  Apparently, that's what Alan Handelman thought too.

Podcast Alley

DGW has dropped down from its peak at No.2.  Leo doesn't think they will get to the top, but they don't beg.  Oh no, they don't.

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