Daily Giz Wiz 675: Notes To Go

Episode 675 of the podcast

Notes To Go
Subject: Review of Notes To Go
Released:Friday 10 October 2008
Length:about 20 minutes
Download file:dgw0675.mp3 (9.3 MB)

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Short info

From the Gadget Warehouse: Notes To Go.

Detailed information

Dick showed one of these on Regis, and that would have been at least 15 years ago.  The company Atlantic Coast Creations are still making these Notes To Go.  They are small notepads on key rings.  50 notes (2" x 2.75") in each pad.  Little blessings from Providence.

TV Audio

Regular correspondent Opher Banarie asks what will happen, after the transition to Digital Television in February 2009, to the TV audio which you used to get on emergency radios.  Leo says you won't be able to get the TV audio.

For those who are used to having a portable TV, Winegard makes a battery pack (Model no. RC-BP9V) for its digital TV converters (RC-DT09 and RC-DT09A), but that would be quite a bit to carry.  They're available at Solid Signal.

Still more on the Smart Car

Leo's guests in the studio, Brian and a long-haired chihuahua, come from Boulder, Colorado, in a Smart Car.  They're safe and sound.

Weekend Themes

Tune in to the weekend themes on saturdaytheme.com and sundaytheme.com.

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Tags: Notepad

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