Note: features gadgets reviewed on The Daily GizWiz podcast. The show no longer exists in its original form, but the site will remain a searchable archive of more than 1300 episodes and gadgets. Have fun!
You can find all the gadgets, including the new ones on Dick DeBartolo's website.
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Results 1 - 10 of 11 for "Pet Gadgets"
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Daily Giz Wiz 289: PetSafe MicroID Rescue Collar
The PetSafe MicroID Rescue Collar is a USB device that any computer can read.
Tags: Pet Gadgets
Episode 289 - 2007-04-12 - 16 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 286: Emergency Dog Survival Kit
Protect your dog or cat with the Emergency Dog (or cat) Survival Kit.
Tags: Pet Gadgets, Emergency
Episode 286 - 2007-04-09 - 18 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 467: RoamEO GPS Pet Collar
Where's your dog? Ask the RoamEO GPS Pet Collar.
Tags: GPS, Pet Gadgets
Episode 467 - 2007-12-25 - 19 minutes
The Daily Giz Wiz 1148: The Talk to Me Pet Treatball
Let your pet hear your voice and be rewarded at the same time with the Talk To Me, Pet Treatball. D...
Tags: Pet Gadgets
Episode 1148 - 2010-08-04 - 16 minutes
The Daily Giz Wiz 1143: The Neater Feeder
No more cleaning up every time your pet's bowl is bumped with the Neater Feeder. Download or subsc...
Tags: Pet Gadgets
Episode 1143 - 2010-07-28 - 18 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 1049: Dog-e-Minder
Track when your dog last walked, ate, or took medication with Dog-e-Minder. Show notes For more de...
Tags: Pet Gadgets
Episode 1049 - 2010-03-18 - 18 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 1033: Puppy Tweets
Find out what your dog has to say in 140 characters with Puppy Tweets. Show notes For more details...
Tags: Pet Gadgets
Episode 1033 - 2010-02-24 - 16 minutes
The Daily Giz Wiz 1146: The To Go Bowl
Quench the thirst of your furry friend on the road without spilling with the To Go Bowl. Download o...
Tags: Pet Gadgets
Episode 1146 - 2010-08-02 - 24 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 669: Cat Genie
Don't clean the cat box, instead use the automatic Cat Genie that cleans itself.
Tags: Pet Gadgets, Hygiene
Episode 669 - 2008-10-02 - 18 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 285: Serafin Boitel's Wild About Dogs
Make food for you and your dog with Serafin Boitel's Wild About Dogs - not available in any store, ...
Tags: Pet Gadgets, Food and Beverage
Episode 285 - 2007-04-06 - 15 minutes
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