Daily Giz Wiz 177: Pzizz

Episode 177 of the podcast

Subject: Review of Pzizz
Released:Tuesday 24 October 2006
Length:about 17 minutes
Download file:dgw0177.mp3 (8 MB)

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Short info

Pzizz software for Mac or Windows will guide you through a quick nap or longer snooze. A great way to relax and recharge. Normally $40, but use the coupon code TWIT for 25% off.

Detailed information

According to Leo on this podcast, Randal Schwartz, the Perl expert and regular listener of DGW, told Leo about Pzizz after hearing about the Staalplaat Buddha Machine FM3 (Episode 167), which was 2 weeks ago.  But actually Leo had learned about it on MacBreak Weekly Episode 8 (at 57:18): Wax On, Wax Off, from Merlin Mann, which was released on 27 September 2006.
It's nap software which helps put you into a ziz by relaxing you using a combination of ambient music and speech on mp3s which you listen to on your computer or your mp3 player.  At then end of the nap, it will wake you up.  Get 25% off with the coupon code TWiT.  Dick uses his Nap Timer (Episode 40) but will try Pzizz.

Software on DGW

Leo says they have not done software before.  They have: XPlay 2 (Episode 121).


Tim from St Louis records the shows on to audio CDs, listens to them in rented cars, and leaves the CDs in the car for the next renter.  A form of viral podcasting.  One other renter enjoyed it so much that he wanted to make sure that the CD got back to Tim.

The 300 Millionth Listener ...

... has joined the ranks of the DGW audience.  In Leo's World anyway.

Mad Minute

Alfco's removal company Splinters

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Tags: Ambient Music iPod Accessory Software

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Xplay 2
episode 121
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