Daily Giz Wiz 27: Cell Stick

Episode 27 of the podcast

Subject: Review of Cell Stick
Released:Tuesday 28 March 2006
Length:about 9 minutes
Download file:dgw0027.mp3 (4.3 MB)

Listen to the episode

Detailed information

Press the "Out" arrow to back up your cellphone contacts to this USB thumb-drive, transfer it to your computer to edit them if necessary, transfer the contacts back into the cellphone by pressing the "In" arrow.

Discount Code

Order from SparkTech and enter the discount code gizwiz5 to get a $5 discount.  This is the first discount code offered on DGW.

DGW Opening Theme

The opening theme of DGW was composed and recorded by Mark Blasco at podcastthemes.com, who also did the opening theme for thisWEEKinTECH.  It was done on a Geek Cruise.

Leo's First Mad

Leo bought his first Mad Magazine in 1963 or 1964.  He paid it all in pennies.

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