Daily Giz Wiz 306: Clocky Walking Alarm Clock

Episode 306 of the podcast

Clocky Walking Alarm Clock
Subject: Review of Clocky Walking Alarm Clock
Released:Monday 7 May 2007
Length:about 14 minutes
Download file:dgw0306.mp3 (6.5 MB)

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Short info

Having trouble waking up? Try Clocky - the alarm clock that runs away from you.

Detailed information

Designed by Nanda for the incorrigible sleepers.  Clocky is an alarm clock on wheels that rolls away from you once the alarm is set off.  You have to get up to retrieve it to stop the alarm.  Try it along with the Flying Alarm Clock (Episode 328).
[play video]


14-year-old Collins has made a DGW Looker Upper Listener.  Go to http://www.roundobia.com/dgw/ and just enter the 3-digit episode number to listen to any episode.  At the moment you need to enter the zero(s) in front, such as 015.

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Tags: Alarm Clock Timepiece

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