Daily Giz Wiz 308: Point It Picture Dictionary

Episode 308 of the podcast

Point It Picture Dictionary
Subject: Review of Point It Picture Dictionary
Released:Wednesday 9 May 2007
Length:about 20 minutes
Download file:dgw0308.mp3 (9.1 MB)

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Short info

Why learn a language when you can just point to pictures with the Point It Picture Dictionary?

Detailed information

Dick talks about 2 little gadgets which might come in handy when you want to go travelling.  Point It is a picture dictionary, in the sense that when you want something, you just point to the picture of the item in the booklet.

Pack This Pad

Packing List for Travel/Travel Accessories

Spoon Sisters

A packing list for things you need to pack to go away or return.  No more forgetting your charger, contact lenses, as Leo does.  Both items available from Spoon Sisters which bring us the Wire Identification Labels (Episode 283).

Chuckles - Clowns and Candies

Listen to Dick and Leo's views on clowns, and an encyclopedic discourse on candies, including an introduction to the website Old Time Candy.

Encore Presentations

Danny Whitmer from Sydney, Australia tells Leo that the euphemism for "re-run" he was looking for in Episode 297 was "encore".

WTHII April '07

It's the Cord Snake.

It's supposed to keep 2 objects securely connected or fastened.  However, it is not designed as a load-bearing device.

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