Daily Giz Wiz 33: Nine One One

Episode 33 of the podcast

Subject: Review of Nine One One
Released:Wednesday 5 April 2006
Length:about 7 minutes
Download file:dgw0033.mp3 (3.7 MB)

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Detailed information

The 911 Light is a high intensity rotating xenon beacon which you can put outside your house and which lights up when you dial 911 to make it easy for emergency services to locate your house, especially at night.  A 315MHz wireless transmitter connects to your hard wired phone, and dailling 911 will activate the wireless transmitter to set off the beacon.  It's water and weather resistant.  It also has an LED indicator to warn you about low battery.

When you're down and lonely ...

... sings Leo.  Dick's advice to Leo is "Work harder, sing less."

How does Dick find his wacky gadgets?

Leo wants to know where Dick found his wacky gadgets.  Listen to Dick's secret.

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