Daily Giz Wiz 371: Smart Strip

Episode 371 of the podcast

Smart Strip
Subject: Review of Smart Strip
Released:Monday 6 August 2007
Length:about 13 minutes
Download file:dgw0371.mp3 (6.1 MB)

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Short info

A better way to power down, the Smart Strip.

Detailed information

Plug your computer to the "Control" outlet, and your computer peripherals to the "Switched" outlets.  When turn off the computer, the power goes off on the peripherals on the switched outlets within 30 seconds.  There are other "constant on" outlets on the strip as well for your other appliances.  A range of models to choose from.

Hugh Hefner

Hugh Hefner of Playboy used to have an audio-visual room where he would have every TV show recorded on VCR in case he missed a show he wanted to watch.

Howard Hughes

Before the days of VCR, shows on a TV station in Las Vegas owned by Howard Hughes would suddenly get "rewound" to an earlier part, apparently for Howard Hughes to watch the part missed by Howard Hughes.

Hotel Mini Bars

Listener Toyota Boy was in Vegas recently.  In response to Episode 366, he points out that there is a time allowance and if you put the items back in the mini bar soon enough, you will not be charged.

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