Daily Giz Wiz 393: Jakks Pacific Arcade Gold

Episode 393 of the podcast

Jakks Pacific Arcade Gold
Subject: Review of Jakks Pacific Arcade Gold
Released:Wednesday 5 September 2007
Length:about 6 minutes
Download file:dgw0393.mp3 (2.9 MB)

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Short info

Relive arcade memories with Jakks Pacific Arcade Gold.

Detailed information

From Jakks Pacific, the Arcade Gold has just come out and is a set of 8 old arcade video games.  It comes with a joystick.  Just plug it into a TV and play.  The games include Pac-Man, Pac-Man Plus, Pac & Pal, Super Pac-Man, Galaxian, Bosconian, Dig Dug, and Rally-X.

A Letter Re-Read

Leo plays the Letters Jingle too soon and Dick reads young Benjamin's letter from Episode 379 again, which is full of compliments to Leo.

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