Daily Giz Wiz 418: Amazing Water Clock

Episode 418 of the podcast

Amazing Water Clock
Subject: Review of Amazing Water Clock
Released:Wednesday 10 October 2007
Length:about 10 minutes
Download file:dgw0418.mp3 (4.8 MB)

Listen to the episode

Short info

A clock that runs on water? Yes it's the Amazing Water Clock!

Detailed information

The Amazing Water Clock, made by Princess International Inc, needs no battery to run.  Just pour in some water or other liquids, such as coffee or soda.  It uses an energy converter to extract electrons from the water molecules, giving a steady stream of electric current to drive the clock.  If you use water, hard water is preferable to soft.

It appears that Princess International is also responsible for the Smart Mug (Episode 63), the Flying Alarm Clock (Episode 328), and the March '06 WTHII gadget, the iPod Tripod Speakers (Episode 31), or at least a version of it.

Gene Rayburn

Leo confesses that he was much influenced by Gene Rayburn, host of the Match Game.  Hear what he learned from Gene Rayburn.


An anonymous listener has done a blog on DGW, called InsideDGW, which has multiple pictures and cross-references to earlier episodes.  This "InsideDGW person" has written to Dick and Leo about the 400th Episode, "While 400 episodes of podcasts of this calibre is nothing to write home about, ... , your listeners' unrivalled optimism that life will one day be better than this, in the face of 400 pieces of solid evidence to the contrary, is a real marvel in itself and a cause for celebration."

For some of the audience-generated 400th Episode celebrations and shameless self-promotion, go to:

Gravy, The Making Of
Here Comes the Letters Jingle
Warehouse Jingle (collaboration by George Wood and Paul Minshall)

For other audience-generated resources, go to:

The Giz Wiz Search, by Ludwik Trammer
The Toothpick Bird's Random Pick, by Darcy Fiander
The DGW Looker-Upper-Listener, by Collins

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