Daily Giz Wiz 863: iTalk Talking Clock

Episode 863 of the podcast

iTalk Talking Clock
Subject: Review of iTalk Talking Clock
Released:Wednesday 1 July 2009
Length:about 15 minutes
Download file:dgw0863.mp3 (7 MB)

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Short info

Set your clock by voice with The iTalk Talking Clock.

Detailed information

iTalk Clock
Voice-Operated Alarm Clock
Link: Neutrano iTalk

Another voice-operated clock, after the Moshi (Episode 784).  The iTalk from Neutrano has the usual voice commands you would expect to operate an alarm clock: setting the time, setting the alarm, choice of alarm sounds etc.  It has a larger digital LCD display (with a choice of high/low intensity), and seems to work more reliably than the Moshi.  The biggest attraction for Dick is the voice command "Snooze" after the alarm goes off.
A Gadget Double/TripleOn the day this show was recorded, 9 June 2009, the featured TTTT gadget in the podcast (Episode 847) was the Logitech VX Nano, which had been covered previously by Dick, and even Leo himself, in Episodes 523 and 522.
Feedback ReportLeo's sister Eva, who now reads Leo's emails, gives Leo and Dane Golden a weekly report on listeners' feedback.  There's the usual bit of moaning, but not about the Daily Giz Wiz - which earns Leo a great deal of good will.
Train on a HatDick has become quite a ladies' man, as he is getting more and more fan mail from lady listeners, including Jennifer, who shares Dick's love of model trains.  However, she wants to correct a slip made by Dick in Episode 841, who reversed the N- and Z-gauges.  The Z-scale is the size of model trains which can fit on to the brim of a hat.  For a photo of an example of that, taken at an Easter Parade in NYC, click here.

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