Daily Giz Wiz 441: Eye-Fi

Episode 441 of the podcast

Subject: Review of Eye-Fi
Released:Monday 12 November 2007
Length:about 10 minutes
Download file:dgw0441.mp3 (4.6 MB)

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Short info

This amazing wi-fi SD card uploads your pictures wirelessly without even removing it from the camera - check out the Eye-Fi.

Detailed information

The Eye-Fi is a 2GB SD card with Wifi enabled.  Insert it into the Eye-Fi USB Card Reader that comes with the card, connect it to a computer, and instal the Eye-Fi Manager software on your Windows or Mac computer.  You will be asked to create an Eye-Fi Account, and then it will search for access points, and you'll be prompted to join a wifi network (by entering any WEP or WPA password).  You can associate the card with multiple access points.  Next you get a choice to upload your photos to a photo-sharing or blogging site such as Flickr or Facebook.

After you've taken a picture with your camera, the EyeFi card will automatically transmit the file to your computer (if it's within range), and then to the web (if you have so configured the Manger software).  If the camera gets out of range of the wifi network , it will pick up the transmission where it left off when the wifi network gets into range again.

At the moment, only JPGs are supported for Wifi transmission, although the card can still store whatever file formats your camera can produce.  Wifi networks which require a user log-in via an initial web browser interface are not supported.

For a review of the product, go to Digital Photography Review.

Dick's Share in TWiT.tv

Dick has heard word that Leo is going to sell TWiT to Google for $1 trillion, and Leo has promised $1 billion of that to Dick.

Lauding Dane

Leo thanks Dane Golden for actually listening to the recordings before doing the editing.   A feat which Leo never managed to achieve.

No Letters Today

Dick and Leo forget to read a letter.  Even Dane, with all his editing magic, couldn't save the show this time.

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