Daily Giz Wiz 482: OLPC

Episode 482 of the podcast

Subject: Review of OLPC
Released:Tuesday 15 January 2008
Length:about 17 minutes
Download file:dgw0482.mp3 (8 MB)

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Short info

It's Turn the Tables Tuesday, and Leo looks at a gadget you can't buy in the US, yet, the OLPC XO laptop for children.

Detailed information

A project by Nicholas Negroponte to make low-cost computers for children in under-developed countries to use at school.  The original idea was that each laptop should cost US$100, although the cost is now higher.  First mentioned by Leo in response to a letter from a listener (Episode 447), the OLPC, one laptop per child, runs Python, has built-in wifi, an SD slot, Squeak Etoys, Turtle Graphics, TamTam, chat, and with a bit of hacking, can support Skype and WPA.

Gadget Budget

Shash from the UK, who takes shownotes for MacBreak Weekly, writes to Leo that soemone reckoned that since his ZDTV days, Leo has probably spent over $50,000 on gadgets.

GizWizBiz Caps

New GizWizBiz Caps made by PantherVision are now available from Dick's website.

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