Daily Giz Wiz 50: Panasonic Quadraphonic

Episode 50 of the podcast

Subject: Review of Panasonic Quadraphonic
Released:Friday 28 April 2006
Length:about 10 minutes
Download file:dgw0050.mp3 (4.6 MB)

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Detailed information

From 35 years ago, this turntable produced 4-channel sound.  Quadraphonic was an early 4-channel audio format in the 1970s.  The model pictured is the Panasonic JL-701.  The Fisher CD-4's were quadraphonic receivers, which Dick does't have any more.


Leo explains who owns the copyright to the "Happy Birthday" song.

Irving Berlin

Irving Berlin once sued Mad Magazine for breach of copyright for a Mad parody of one of his songs, and Bill Gaines decided to fight it.  Berlin v E. C. Publications was finally decided in 1964, in favour of Mad Magazine, and became an important legal precedent for the protection of parodies.

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