Daily Giz Wiz 500: The Rainstick

Episode 500 of the podcast

Subject: Review of The Rainstick
Released:Friday 8 February 2008
Length:about 14 minutes
Download file:dgw0500.mp3 (6.5 MB)

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Short info

Episode 500 from Dick's Gadget Warehouse: The Rainstick. That makes 100 Fridays and 100 failed gadgets from the warehouse.

Detailed information

A stick to water plants which are difficult to access.  You fill the RainStick with water from one end, push the handle and water comes out through the spout at the other end of the 32" stick.  It's lightweight, only 3.6 lb when filled with water (1 litre capacity).

500 Episodes ...

... and 100 Dick's Gadget Warehouse episodes.  Dick celebrates the occasion with special sound effects from the Cubicaller (Episode 381), the other RainStick (the musical instrument) and the didgeridoo.

Electric Motorcycle

Ron Brown gives a tip about making noise from the Vectrix Electric Motorbike that Dick saw at CES (Episode 480).

New GizWiz Picture/Album Art

Leo's TWiT website is getting a mini facelift.  All the album art for the TWiT podcasts has a new look, including the one for DGW.  At the same time, Dick's website is getting a new look, too.  The home page of GizWizBiz.cm is now the page for the gadgets for the current month, which is a good idea.  Dick's write-ups for old DGW episodes are now easier to get to.  Check it out.  But previous links on this blog to Dick's write-ups on DGW gadgets may have to be changed in due course.

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Tags: Gardening Tool Wacky Gadgets

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