Daily Giz Wiz 480: The HydraBrush

Episode 480 of the podcast

The HydraBrush
Subject: Review of The HydraBrush
Released:Friday 11 January 2008
Length:about 27 minutes
Download file:dgw0480.mp3 (12.4 MB)

Listen to the episode

Short info

Dick lugs the Gadget Warehouse and The HydraBrush with him to CES.

Detailed information

Dick introduced the Hydrabrush on 15th January 2007, as one of the more bizarre gadgets from CES 2007, in Episode 226.  Although the Hydrabrush did not make any further breakthrough announcement at this year's CES, the website is still running, the price has come down, and Dick hopes it succeeds.  Not exactly a member of the Gadget Warehouse.  Rather, Dick just wants to track its progress.

Egyptian Tour

Listen to some of the highlights of Leo's Egyptian Tour.

CES 2008

Dick is at CES 2008, and Leo is following it from home with a massive cold which he caught on the way back.  Listen to what they think about this year's CES.  Dick is most interested in the new Vectrix, an all electric 3-wheeler motorcycle, and will be covering some of the more interesting stuff from CES in coming days.


Dick now has a new DSL line which he uses for recording DGW.

The Chumby

Gary heard about the Chumby in Episode 456, and although the price was high, he ordered one which arrived all the way from China in 5 days.  He thinks it's so cool.

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Tags: Toothbrush

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