Daily Giz Wiz 598: UroClub

Episode 598 of the podcast

Subject: Review of UroClub
Released:Wednesday 25 June 2008
Length:about 13 minutes
Download file:dgw0598.mp3 (5.9 MB)

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Short info

You're in the right place when you go golfing with the UroClub.

Detailed information

The UroClub gives true meaning to the word "portapotty".  Made to resemble a golf club in appearance, it is a hollow tube which has a cap which unscrews, to help a male golfer who can't find a restroom nearby to answer the call of nature.  It comes with a "privacy shield", which Dick calls the "privacy apron".  It's essentially a towel which clips on to the UroClub, and has 2 extra clips for hooking itself to your pants' loops or belt.
It has the size of a 7 iron, and the capacity of over half a litre, twice the "common volume".


A new name for TWiTLive - Todcast - for TWiT On Demand.


Evan Pedersen of Fancy Pants Gangsters has an explanation for tetraphobia (Episode 590).  In Japanese, the word for 4 is "shi", which is similar in sound to the Japanese word for death.  The Japanese will sometimes say "yan" for the number 4 instead.  Similar situations in Chinese and Korean.

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