Daily Giz Wiz 628: Pentax Optio W60

Episode 628 of the podcast

Pentax Optio W60
Subject: Review of Pentax Optio W60
Released:Wednesday 6 August 2008
Length:about 27 minutes
Download file:dgw0628.mp3 (12.3 MB)

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Short info

This summer shoot the fish with the waterproof, 10 megapixel, 5X internal zoom Pentax Optio W60 camera.

Detailed information

A digital camera built for underwater photography, the Pentax Optio W60 operates up to 13 feet underwater, at subzero temperatures (down to 14°F, or about -9°C).  10M pixel sensor, 5x zoom (internal zoom) starting at wide angle 28mm, 720p HD video, Macro capture up to 1 cm, up to ISO1600 (or ISO6400 at 5M reduced resolution), image stabilisation, face detection.  Comes in silver or ocean blue.

For photography in deeper waters, check out the Liquid Image Underwater Digital Camera Mask Model 302 (Episode 484) - up to 30 meters.  For an underwater camcorder, see the Sanyo Xacti E1/VPC-CA65 (Episode 348).

Flipper the Dolphin

From Flickr to Flippr, to Flipper the Dolphin, learn all about uploading your photos, and the 1960's TV series.

Dick on Audible?

Audible is now part of Amazon, and their charter is every book on Audible.  Perhaps they can get Dick to do Good Days And Mad.


Daniel Bersteiner writes in response to Episode 590, the Palm Pilot.  He has been using a Palm device for 12 years, upgrading from one to another, with his current one being the Palm Treo, which has data which he entered 12 years ago.


Who is Abbe Lane?  What about Xavier Cugat?  Listen to Dick's story about his encounter with Abbe Lane, and an interesting quote from Dolly Parton.

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