Daily Giz Wiz 484: Liquid Image

Episode 484 of the podcast

Liquid Image
Subject: Review of Liquid Image
Released:Thursday 17 January 2008
Length:about 13 minutes
Download file:dgw0484.mp3 (6.2 MB)

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Short info

Share those beautiful fish from your Aruba snorkeling trip with the Liquid Image underwater digital camera mask.

Detailed information

In all the extensive coverage of CES 2008, no one mentioned the Liquid Image Underwater Digital Camera Mask, Model 302.  But Dick does.  It's an underwater mask, with a built-in 5MP digital camera which takes video (640x480, 18-25 fps) as well.  16MB internal memory, with a microSD card slot, powered by 2 AAA batteries.  Photographic distance is up to 5 feet.  The Model 302 is for ages 8 to adult and can operate up to 30 meters underwater.  Model 300 is for ages 8 to 12, and Model 301 or ages 8 to adult.  These other models use a lower resolution CMOS, 3.1MP, and operate up to 5 meters underwater.  All models come with USB cable for downloading images and videos to your computer, with ArcSoft photo and video editing software.


Leo the wordsmith explains that "scuba" in scuba diving stands for "self-contained underwater breathing apparatus".

More Work for Dick and Leo

After Dick and Leo mentioned gadgets they didn't like in Episode 461, J/P suggests that Dick and Leo do a Throw Away Thursday (or Take Out The Trash Thursday) and have another jingle.  Together with Head-To-Head Wednesday suggested by Deak in Episode 481, that should complete the week of themes.

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