Daily Giz Wiz 632: Opteka 0.43x HD2 Full Fisheye Lens

Episode 632 of the podcast

Opteka 0.43x HD2 Full Fisheye Lens
Subject: Review of Opteka 0.43x HD2 Full Fisheye Lens
Released:Tuesday 12 August 2008
Length:about 20 minutes
Download file:dgw0632.mp3 (9 MB)

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Short info

Create pro skate video effects with the Opteka 0.43x HD² Full Fisheye Lens.

Detailed information

A converter lens for for selected models of Panasonic camcorders from Opteka.  Because of the small sizes of the CCDs, modern digital camcorders generally have long focal lengths, great at the telephoto end but poor at the wide-angle end.  This Fisheye Lens screws on to the camcorder's lens thread and has a conversion factor of 0.43x for the focal length of the built-in lens.  so that the wide-angle end of Leo's Panasonic HDC-SD5 camcorder can be converted from 42.9mm (135mm film equivalent) to about 18.5mm, which Leo's son, Henry, uses to shoot skate-boarding videos.  The same lens is made for different brands and models of cameras and camcorders, such as Sony and Canon.  Make sure you get the right one.

Interestingly enough, the sample photo and video on the Opteka site are both taken of skate-boarding scenes, obviously the in-thing to do for skate-boarders.

A Letter for Leo

How about N, says Dan from Tampa who has decided to help Leo out with his lack of letters.
M     A     D
Bruce from the chatroom asks what the "IND" in small print next to the letter in M in some Mad Magazines meant.  Not MAD MIND, but just a reference to "Independent News Distribution".

Ebert and Roeper

Dick received a number of emails about the show At The Movies with Ebert and Roeper going off the air because they couldn't agree with the producers on the show's format.  Years ago Dick met Siskel and Ebert and it turned out to be a meeting of the Mutual Admiration Society.

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