Daily Giz Wiz 696: Air Rocker

Episode 696 of the podcast

Air Rocker
Subject: Review of Air Rocker
Released:Monday 10 November 2008
Length:about 24 minutes
Download file:dgw0696.mp3 (11 MB)

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Short info

Your friends will hear music when you play air guitar on the Guitar Hero Air Guitar Rocker belt buckle.

Detailed information

Licensed by Guitar Hero, the Air Guitar Rocker is produced by Jada Toys, and features a rocking belt buckle, a wearable mini-amplifier and 2 magnetic guitar picks.  You wear the belt buckle connected to the amplifier, and wave the guitar pick in front of the belt buckle to play one of 10 available guitar riffs including Black Sabbath's "Iron Man," Deep Purple's "Smoke on the Water," Motorhead's "Ace of Spades," Van Halen's "You Really Got Me", Boston's "More Than a Feeling," and five original Air Guitar Rocker freestyle riffs, from the Air Cartridge.  Additional Air Cartridges are also available.

[play video]

Dick at the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show

Dick was at the Boat Show in Florida featuring some really high-end boats and yachts, including one that could motor sideways and decked out with complete home theatres, complete with D-Box's simulator chair - the Quest - a chair that rocks along with specially coded movies (see uberreview.com).  One cannot go away from the show without getting something for oneself, and Dick lavished on himself by getting the most beautiful and nicest looking boat brochure he'd ever seen.

Last Day for Bidding for Dick

Today is the last chance to bid for a video chat with Dick, on humanety.com, to benefit Animal Haven.

Leo on Election Day

Leo did a special on TWit Live on Election Day with Jason Goldberg of Social Median (see Episode 72 of net@night for the Goldberg interview).

With A Little Help From My Friends

Dan Lueders writes in response to the inquiry by Danny Noonan in Episode 694.  Dan is a bass player, a vocalist and a decent guitarist.  He writes and produces music for children for Promise Land at Willow Creek Church.  He uses loops for the drum tracks and gets help from his cool musician friends: Dane del Principe on lead guitar on the Monday Theme, John Carlson on saxophone on the Wednesday Theme, and Jimmy Riley on lead guitar and vocals on the Thursday Theme.

A Stromberg Carlson Candlestick

Leo has just been given a Stromberg Carlson "candlestick" phone, but it won't be tomorrow's TTTT gadget.  It sits on top of Leo's desk which you can see on TWiTLive.  For more on these phones, see Telephone Archive.

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