Daily Giz Wiz 772: Wii Fit

Episode 772 of the podcast

Wii Fit
Subject: Review of Wii Fit
Released:Tuesday 24 February 2009
Length:about 23 minutes
Download file:dgw0772.mp3 (10.5 MB)

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Short info

Shape up with the Wii Fit.

Detailed information

Leo looks in fine fettle these days, not because of his new super duper glasses, his new eyeliner, or his new wig, but because he has been working out and improving his balance on the Wii Fit.  Since the Wii came out, Leo has never found the urge to buy it, but one day the "little woman", or the wee bonnie lass aka Jennifer Laporte, decided that she wanted the Wii Fit.  The Wii Fit is a video game played on the Nintendo Wii.  It's a balance board on which you improve your balance and fitness through different games and exercises such as yoga, skiing, soccer heading, hula hoop.

Leo still feels that the Wii is not for serious gamers but not a bad idea for casual gamers like Jennifer, or as a fun family or social game.

Butter And Eggs Parade

Leo is going to suggest to the Committee a Wii Fit Brigade float.

Wining the Lottery

Leo searches desperately under his desk for a letter and manages to find a letter from Dennis Payot, Senior from Glide, Oregon.  Dennis has bookmarked many gadgets, and one day, when he wins the lottery, he will get round to buying them.  Dick and Leo wonders if Ludwik has a running total of the costs of buying all the DGW gadgets.

Dennis thanks Leo for his TTTT recommendation of the CCrane Wifi Internet Radio in Episode 712.  His wife works in the Far East and after work she can listen to radio stations from her home country, while he listens to hockey games from Canada.  And as long as the TWiT Network is there, in the famous words of Dick, "I'll be here."

Leo's Mexican cleaning lady is not so impressed, though, as Leo has yet to find a radio station she likes.

Wifi Radio for Mama Laporte

Leo finally decided to choose the CCrane Wifi Radio for Mama Laporte (see Episode 747), who can now listen to the audio feed from TWiTLive.  Leo listens to BBC Radio 3 a lot, and wakes up to Ancient FM.

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Tags: Game Console Games Sport and Fitness

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