Daily Giz Wiz 866: Repillable Card

Episode 866 of the podcast

Repillable Card
Subject: Review of Repillable Card
Released:Monday 6 July 2009
Length:about 18 minutes
Download file:dgw0866.mp3 (8.5 MB)

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Short info

Stash your pills in your wallet with the Repillable Card.

Detailed information

Re-Pillable Card
Pill Box

The Re-Pillable Card is pill box with a "fin" that slips into a credit-card slot in your wallet, without adding bulk to your wallet.  There's also a Re-Pillable Max Card, for large pills.
From Chinese Studies to Podcasting
Dick's friend Dennis Wunderlin was wondering aloud to Dick the other day, how one gets from studying Chinese to podcasting.  "Ce suo zai na'r?" is apparently Leo's answer, or question.  Right now, that question has little place for Leo, as he is in the Temple of Heaven.  Follow Leo's journey on The Life of Leo.  Leo has also started using AudioBoo, sending audio clips about his trip from his iPhone.  The guy just can't stop podcasting.  Check out Leo's page on AudioBoo, and subscribe to his updates using iTunes.

Patrotic Combo
A tip from Leo: Aspirin is white, Advil is red, Viagara is blue.  A patriotic combo.

The Serious Case of a Mum's Give-Away
In Episode 850, Dick recounted how his Mum gave away his beloved Altec Lansing 604 speakers and model train sets.  Matt from Akron, Ohio knows of a more serious case of a cast-off by a mum.  Leonardo da Vinci used to make sketches and notes of his discoveries and inventions on pieces of paper, and store them in a chest.  He was once commissioned to go to Florence to create a piece of artwork.  18 months later, he returned to his parents' home, only to find that all his sketches and notes had gone, used as cheap fuel by his mother for the fireplace.

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