Daily Giz Wiz 183: WEC

Episode 183 of the podcast

Subject: Review of WEC
Released:Wednesday 1 November 2006
Length:about 14 minutes
Download file:dgw0183.mp3 (6.2 MB)

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Short info

How do they do it? Wireless electricity - WEC from those wags at Think Geek!

Detailed information

A heads-up from a listener Josh Gilbert.  Finally, a gadget which transmits electrical power wirelessly.  The Wireless Extension Cord.  No more clunky extension cords.  You can find gadgets on this page on ThinkGeek, along the same ground-breaking lines.

While the external appearance looks like the Wavecom Jr., the technology inside is way different.

The Spork

Dick describes the spork as half-way between a shovel and a hoe.  A cheveau!  Another portmanteau word.

Invent Now

Modern Marvels on the History Channel is accepting submissions for this year's Invent Now Challenge.  Leo wonders how the Iluminated Nut Driver (Episode 86) is doing.  Not badly at all, it seems, from its website.

Mad Minute

Alfco Optical.

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