Daily Giz Wiz 422: Blackberry Curve 8320

Episode 422 of the podcast

Blackberry Curve 8320
Subject: Review of Blackberry Curve 8320
Released:Tuesday 16 October 2007
Length:about 17 minutes
Download file:dgw0422.mp3 (7.7 MB)

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Short info

It's turn the tables Tuesday, and Leo reviews the newest Blackberry Curve 8320.

Detailed information

Lighter than all other Curves with a full QWERTY keyboard, the Blackberry Curve 8320 has all the core Blackberry functions: email and text messaging, instant messaging and web browsing.  It has a 2MP camera, media player, expandable memory (micro SD) and voice dialling.  You can also record and email voice messages.  New to the Curve is Wifi capability, in addition to GPRS and EDGE.

T-Mobile's version supports AOL, MSN, Yahoo and ICQ.  The phone can connect voice calls using Wifi UMA (unlicensed mobile access) by taking advantage of wifi connections at T-Mobile's Hotspots and Hotspot@Home.

Worse than the Toothpick Bird?

Kelly Price thinks that while the Toothpick Bird (Episode 282) from Archie McPhee is at least amusing and useful, Squawkers McCaw (Episode 413) is just annoying, almost as bad as the talking, singing mounted bass.  This could be the same letter which Dick and Leo referred to in Episode 419.  Dick stands by his bird.


Alexandro ticks Leo off for failing to give the complete picture of the reason for using RPN for the HP35 (Episode 415).  It's more efficient for both the CPU of the calculator and for the user.

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