Daily Giz Wiz 421: Never Late Alarm Clock

Episode 421 of the podcast

Never Late Alarm Clock
Subject: Review of Never Late Alarm Clock
Released:Monday 15 October 2007
Length:about 11 minutes
Download file:dgw0421.mp3 (5.1 MB)

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Short info

Do you need to wake up at different times every day of the week? You need the Never Late Alarm Clock.

Detailed information

Made by American Innovative and available at ThinkGeek, the NeverLate 7-Day Alarm Clock allows you to have different wake-up times for each day of the week.  Perfect for shift-workers and students with different class times every day.  It comes with an AM/FM tuner, and sleeper functions and snooze or nap timer functions.

The Mode Dial on the top of the clock makes it easy to set the wake-up times.  Turn the outer dial to set the day of the week, then turn the inner dial for the wake-up time.

Dick's Alarm Clocks

Dick has an alarming range of alarm clocks in the DeBartolo Manor, 8 or 9, including the NeverLate, a storm warning alarm clock, the Wind Chime Alarm Clock (Episode 336) and his favourite of all, the Westclox Nap Timer (Episode 40).

Jingle Singers

Jan from Austin, Texas, a molecular biologist, listens to DGW whilst doing experiments in the lab.  He's finally worked out why the "girls", the Jingle Singers, never sing on time: it's because they're not girls, it's George Wood.  For another reason why they are always late, see Episode 401.

Leo insists that they are girls, and come in high heels, short flounce skirts, fishnet stockings and bellboy caps, and that he paid them $1,000 each from last year's ad revenue.

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Tags: Alarm Clock Timepiece

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