Daily Giz Wiz 643: My-Med USB Wrist Band

Episode 643 of the podcast

My-Med USB Wrist Band
Subject: Review of My-Med USB Wrist Band
Released:Wednesday 27 August 2008
Length:about 18 minutes
Download file:dgw0643.mp3 (8.3 MB)

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Short info

Always keep your medical information within reach with MY-MED, the water resistant USB medical wristband.

Detailed information

Link: My-Bands

My-Med is a wristband that unclasp to reveal a USB plug.  Within the band is flash memory which stores a file containing your medical information which can be read by any computer.  You can enter emergency contact information and special medical information about yourself.  Available in sizes from XS to XXL, and 3 colours: red, white and black.

There is also a pink my-med breast cancer awareness model.  It does the same thing, but according to the website, 10% of the sale will be used to further breast cancer initiatives.

It's Christmas Time and Zinc Air Again

Leo plays the Festive Letters Jingle again.  David Eckhardt writes in about the zinc oxide batteries (zinc air) used by the Timex Internet Messenger Watch (Episode 635).  He uses them for his hearing aid, and the interesting thing about the zinc air is the power level stays constant for most of its life (2 to 3 weeks), until the last 5 minutes when the power drops dramatically.

Dick and Leo go on to talk about other fuel cells, including a battery that uses water to provide water.

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