Daily Giz Wiz 727: Blackrapid RS-1

Episode 727 of the podcast

Blackrapid RS-1
Subject: Review of Blackrapid RS-1
Released:Tuesday 23 December 2008
Length:about 20 minutes
Download file:dgw0727.mp3 (9.3 MB)

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Short info

Upgrade your camera strap to diagonal the BlackRapid RS-1 R-Strap.

Detailed information

A Christmas gift to Leo from Tony Wang, sound editor of DGW, the R-Strap made by Black Rapid is a camera strap worn over a shoulder across the chest.  The camera is secured to a connector which screws into any standard tripod ring, and the connector is hooked to the strap.  The length of the strap is adjustable.

Some models, like the latest RS-4, has pockets for storing flash cards.  Leo has the RS-1 which has no pockets.  When a photo opportunity presents itself, just glide the camera up along the strap.  See the demo below from blackrapid.com:

Brick and Mortar Levenger

Chris Whitpan thanks Leo for introducing him to Levenger products (Episode 677).  He found a brick and mortar store selling Levenger in Boston, and it was a good day for the economy.  Chris works for the California Pizza Kitchen, and offers to pick up the tab should Dick or Leo visit the CPK.  Dick asks if the offer is one time only.

Leo finds out from Google, including LinkedIn, that Chris is Manager of CPK, Owner/Chef of Chris's Culinary Catering, Former owner of Kildare Irish Pub.

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Tags: Camera Accessory

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