Daily Giz Wiz 740: Yashica KC600 Digital Camera
Episode 740 of the podcast

Subject: | Review of Yashica KC600 Digital Camera |
Released: | Friday 9 January 2009 |
Length: | about 18 minutes |
Download file: | dgw0740.mp3 (8.1 MB) |
Listen to the episode
Detailed information
The Yashica KC600, also called Kyocera DR350, hails from 1997, with 640 x 480 resolution, removable memory, and optical viewfinder. With an included 2MB CF card, it could take 8 photos and sold for $599.DGW fan Pablo recently (in Episode 722) heard about Dick's first digital camera (the Casio QV-10, Episode 15) and wanted to donate the Yashica KC600 to the Gadget Warehouse. He got it for $300 but had to pay $150 for a 6MB CF card.
CES Reports on Stickam
Dick intends to talk about CES on Stickam from his hotel room in Vegas. Follow him on Twitter and TWiT Army to get the details.
Apple Quicktake
Three years before the Yashica KC600 was the Apple QuickTake 100, same resolution, 1MB storage for eight 24-bit photos, cost $750.
Dick and Leo surmise that at this CES, they will see 64GB USB sticks.
Dick and Leo surmise that at this CES, they will see 64GB USB sticks.
Time to be Born
Leo asks Dick, if he could choose any time to have been born in, what time would he choose. 8.30 pm, says Dick. Leo would like to be born as late as possible, because he wants to see what the future holds. Dick wants to have been born in 1900, but with all the gadgets he now has.
Radio Leo
Jeff Royal from Braunfels, Texas (who last wrote in Episode 563) heard the request by a listener for a single weekly download of DGW (Episode 730), and thinks that there should be a single weekly download of all of Leo's podcasts. Not quite, but Leo already has something like that, an RSS feed of all of Leo's podcasts, all under one roof, called Radio Leo.
(source: insidedgw.vox.com)