Daily Giz Wiz 826: Photojojo Bottle Cap Tripod

Episode 826 of the podcast

Photojojo Bottle Cap Tripod
Subject: Review of Photojojo Bottle Cap Tripod
Released:Monday 11 May 2009
Length:about 19 minutes
Download file:dgw0826.mp3 (8.6 MB)

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Short info

Quench your thirst for stable photography with the Photojojo Bottle Cap Tripod.

Detailed information

Faithful listener Mike Gunn from San Francisco (who last suggested the GE 911 Emergency Light Switch in Episode 758) has suggested another gadget to Dick, the Bottle Cap Tripod from Photojojo.  It is screwed on to the tripod mount on the camera, and has a cap that fits over a bottle cap.  The bottle of water or drink acts as the "tripod" itself, or monopod if you like.  It pivots up to 15 degrees in any direction.

Soupy Sales

Dick and Leo talk about Soupy Sales and how he informed Leo's own sense of humour.  There's a Soupy Sales on Twitter, although no one is quite sure if Dick and Leo are not sure that's the real one.  Always irreverent, Sales once asked children to get those "funny green pieces of paper with pictures of US Presidents" and mail them to him, which got him into quite a controversy.

[play video]

Gadget Repatriation

Leo is off to China soon, and Dick reckons Leo can get a whole case of Bottle Cap Tripods for $10.  Leo finds it funny that he will be repatriating a whole lot of gadgets like the iPod back to China, where they were made.  Dick doesn't travel outside the US any more.  He's done it all with Bill Gaines, including travelling to Hong Kong.

A Guest Appearance

After Amber MacArthur (Episode 77) and Henry Laporte (Episode 252), Dane Golden is the third guest to appear on the Daily Giz Wiz, playing the voice of White Fang.

Old Clothes

Dick reminds Leo to take his old clothes with him when he travels to China.  This is a reference, often made in older episodes, to Dick's old habit of travelling with his old clothes and leaving them behind at the end of the trip.  Go back to Episode 61 for Dick's first mention of this habit, which generated a lot of empathy from the audience.

It's A Brand New Generation

David Sanders from Fort Wayne complains about the decades of therapy bills he'll have to pay for his young children who, having been subjected to the Daily Giz Wiz in the car, may have been irreparably harmed.  Now, as the children get ready for school in the morning, his 5-year-old starts singing "It's a brand new day, it's a brand new week, it's a brand new Daily Giz Wiz ...", while the 8- and 10-year-old complete the jingle.  David needs a jingle eraser gadget, or else Leo should employ a younger generation of Jingle Singers.

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Tags: Camera Accessory

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