Daily Giz Wiz 825: Tandy 5000 Professional

Episode 825 of the podcast

Tandy 5000 Professional
Subject: Review of Tandy 5000 Professional
Released:Friday 8 May 2009
Length:about 16 minutes
Download file:dgw0825.mp3 (7.3 MB)

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Short info

From the Gadget Warehouse: Tandy 5000 Professional

Detailed information

Last Friday's Compac Evo (Episode 820) has generated letters from listeners, including WO (Warren Owen), who have suggested that Dick talk about the Tandy 5000 MC Professional System from Radio Shack.  It used a 20 MHz Intel 386 CPU, 2MB RAM (up to 16MB), and offered 256,000-colour VGA graphics.  State-of-the-Art technology, all for $8,499.  Monitor and mouse not included.


Dick is having fun with his new website at SquareSpace, and has created pages for Ludwik Trammer of GizWizSearch and Alfred Chan of InsideDGW to play around with (the latter at Dick's Inside-DGW).

Dick's Oldest Surviving Computer

Dick's oldest computer at the Gadget Warehouse is the Atari 800 with its 16KB of memory.  He could not afford the disk drive which at about $600, as Dick remembers, cost almost as much as the computer itself (about $800).  Dick contented himself with the Atari data cassette drive (Episode 360). 

Thank You for the iPod Touch Stand

Dan Martin thanks the listener (Andy Weight in Episode 808) who let us know that the iPod Touch comes bundled with its own stand.  Now Dan carries the stand in his pocket along with his iPod Touch.

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