Daily Giz Wiz 830: Evolve

Episode 830 of the podcast

Subject: Review of Evolve
Released:Friday 15 May 2009
Length:about 18 minutes
Download file:dgw0830.mp3 (8.4 MB)

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Short info

From the Gadget Warehouse: Evolve Remote

Detailed information

A precursor to the Harmony Remote (Episode 82), the Evolve Guide Universal Remote Control was a universal remote, which you could connect to the computer to download the programme guide.  It had an LCD dot matrix screen, and a huge number of buttons for controlling the TV, cable-box, VCR etc.  The price was pretty steep, about $200, and with the emergence of Tivo, the Evolve Guide didn't take off.

That Little Old Winemaker - Me

From time to time, Leo would call Dick "the little old gadget maker", "the little old gadget meister" or the like.  This harks back to the mascot in the ads and commercials for wines from the Italian Swiss Colony, who was called That Little Old Winemaker.  It so happens that Leo knows the people at Italian Swiss Colony.  In the TV commercials, the mascot was played by Austrian-born actor Ludwig Stössel.  For a picture of a postcard featuring the actor, click here.

Label Intensive

Dick has a box of label-makers, and has coined the phrase "label intensive".  Dick and Leo repeat their complaint about the anonymous power adapters for their gadgets.  Dick now uses a silver marker to label the power adapters.

Whatever happened to the Jingle Singers?

Top Jamaican fan Marlon Stewart had to take himself off the Daily Giz Wiz as it became too addictive.  He's now back, but is surprised to find that the Jingle Singers are missing.  He loves the Festive Letters Jingle, and it so happens that Leo decided to play it, in May.

Blame it on HQ

Leo has decided that he needs to have a headquarters for somebody to blame if anything goes wrong.  It needs to be located at a place with a funny name, like Sioux City in Iowa, Lake Rogerene in New Jersey, or Susquehanna in Pennsylvania.  But during the break, Leo decided on Pickles Gap, Arkansas.

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