Daily Giz Wiz 202: Zune

Episode 202 of the podcast

Subject: Review of Zune
Released:Monday 27 November 2006
Length:about 19 minutes
Download file:dgw0202.mp3 (8.6 MB)

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Short info

It's turn the table Tuesday, and Leo talks about Microsoft's iPod killer: the Zune.

Detailed information

Microsoft's iPod killer. 30GB, 3" LCD, 320x240 resolution, supports mp3, wma, aac, wmv.  FM tuner.  Wifi, which can only be used for sharing songs (to which the Zune will add its own DRM).  The Zune works only with its own software and not Windows Media Player.  The Zune Marketplace offers music download or subscription, but again it has a new DRM.  The Zune also does not support Microsoft's Play For Sure DRM.
Originally available in black, white and brown.  Microsoft has added red and pink colours to their range.
The most recent model is the Special Halo 3 Edition.

Welcome to the Social

Special Halo 3 Edition

Terminator 2

Chester la Peza points out that the Atari Portfolio (Episode 190) was featured in the beginning of Terminator 2: Judgement Day when it was used to hack an ATM machine.

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