Daily Giz Wiz 41: Linksys Wi-Fi Finder

Episode 41 of the podcast

Subject: Review of Linksys Wi-Fi Finder
Released:Monday 17 April 2006
Length:about 8 minutes
Download file:dgw0041.mp3 (3.8 MB)

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Detailed information

USB WiFi adapter, compatible with wireless-g and wireless-b, WEP- and WPA-enabled, with an LCD display of the names of the available networks in order of signal strength.  Perfect for an old laptop without built-in wifi.  Comes with a USB extension cable.

Did you know?

Dick is a Continental air miles slave and would do anything to get air miles, including flying out to Toronto for the Screensavers just for the air miles.

New Album Art

There is a new piece of album art for the DGW starting with this episode's download.

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