Daily Giz Wiz 469: Dymo DiscPainter

Episode 469 of the podcast

Dymo DiscPainter
Subject: Review of Dymo DiscPainter
Released:Thursday 27 December 2007
Length:about 13 minutes
Download file:dgw0469.mp3 (6.2 MB)

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Short info

Print directly on your inkjet printable discs with the DYMO DiscPainter.

Detailed information

The Dymo DiscPainter prints directly on to inkjet-printable CDs/DVDs.  It's about 6" x 10" in size and comes with its own software - "Discus" (PC and Mac compatible).  You can use the clip art provided or your own images.  Just drop the optical disc in, and the DiscPainter will print (at a maxmum quality of 1200 dpi) on to the disc, from the hub to the edge, using Dymo's RadialPrint Technology.

GizWiz Deals

Steve from Colorado, who has listened to DGW for over a year, has decided to dedicate a section of his forum to deals you can get on DGW gadgets.

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