Daily Giz Wiz 638: iRide

Episode 638 of the podcast

Subject: Review of iRide
Released:Wednesday 20 August 2008
Length:about 18 minutes
Download file:dgw0638.mp3 (8.3 MB)

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Short info

Mount your iRide speakers to your handlebars or stroller and listen to your iPod without blocking out the world.

Detailed information

Link: Active Tunes   Stroll-A-Tune

The i-Ride and Stroll-A-Tune are really the same thing.  They're add-on amplified stereo speakers for your bike or stroller.  It mounts on to any handle-bar and bicycle frame, and connects to any player with a standard headphone jack.

Early Christmas

Leo plays the Festive Letters Jingle by mistake, and it just happens to suit the wife of a particular listener who can't wait till Christmas.

A Fan, Naturally Speaking

Brian Drake, who wrote in Episode 394, uses voice recognition software Dragon Naturally Speaking.  While recommending DGW on a message board and mentioning Dick's and Leo's names, he found that the software spelled the names Laporte and Debartolo correctly.  These are not very common names and Brian thinks Dick and Leo have a fan working at Dragon.

Working For An Airline?

Dick tells a story of how they got hold of an old telephone number of a defunct airline (Capital Airline, Dick thinks) and started answering calls.  It was all rather zany.

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Tags: Bicycle Speakers

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