Daily Giz Wiz 764: X-Mini Capsule Speaker

Episode 764 of the podcast

X-Mini Capsule Speaker
Subject: Review of X-Mini Capsule Speaker
Released:Thursday 12 February 2009
Length:about 13 minutes
Download file:dgw0764.mp3 (5.8 MB)

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Short info

Listen to your iPod sans headphones with the yo-yo-sized, USB-charged, pop-up X-Mini Capsule Speaker.

Detailed information

Link: Think Geek

For a tiny speaker (about 2 inches in diameter), Think Geek's X-Mini Capsule Speaker gives a pretty big sound.  Just plug it into the headphone jack of your iPod or other MP3 player and you're good to go.  It has a built-in battery which is rechargeable via the USB plug.  A stereo set is also available as the MAX Stereo.  Here's how the MAX Stereo looks when in use (a Think Geek Customer Action Shot):


Pedal, Pedal, Pedal

Claudio Quaresma (pronounced, according to Leo, Quasimodo as in The Hunchback of Notre Dame, even though Leo keeps saying quasimoto, which is something else altogether)  - who last wrote in Episode 554 from Brazil - congratulates Dick and Leo for breaking another record in Episode 755, making it the longest DGW episode so far, at 33:55.  Claudio, who listens to the show while cycling to work, begs for more.  More?  Sanctuary!

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Tags: iPhone Accessory iPod Accessory Speakers

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